Adults have different learning styles than children. Web design for adult should restrict the use of graphic or pictorial materials, printed information not in long page or text, avoid textured background, use larger font size, not use background and prints combination's of red and green and blue and yellow. The web design should provided a link for a complete text on audio clip, provide text, or signing for video clips, provide both visual and auditory warnings. Web design for adult should furnish keyboard commands, increase the size of graphic links, double space between list of vertical links, avoid form with small boxs, and avoid functions that require a response in a specified amount of time. It is because of adult characteristic, and adult physical different that should be consider when designing a web page.
Web page criteria for Pre-School
Web design for Pre-School should be very colorful background, many of animation or nice picture, the icon is very attractive, colorful fonts, interactive activity for their exercise or learn and have many sound to make kids enjoyed to use a web page learning.
Web page criteria for cooperative learning almost same with andragogy web page because cooperative learning usually used for teaching methods in higher education.
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